Signs of Hearing Loss

Signs in Adults

  • You frequently complain that people mumble
  • Family complains the TV, radio, or stereo is too loud
  • People complain you either talk too loudly or too softly
  • You have difficulty hearing the waitress/waiter at restaurants
  • You can hear people speak but cannot understand what is being said
  • You miss the punch line of jokes
  • You don’t like watching movies or programs on TV because you can’t hear the dialogue over the sound effects
  • You isolate yourself from difficult listening environments
  • Your spouse/partner is your interpreter
  • You frequently ask people to repeat themselves

Signs in Infants and Children

Some hearing milestones your child should reach in the first year of life:

  • Most newborn infants startle or “jump” to sudden loud noises
  • By 3 months, a baby usually recognizes a parent’s voice
  • By 6 months, an infant can usually turn his or her eyes or head toward a sound
  • By 12 months, a child can usually imitate some sounds and produce a few words, such as “Mama” or “bye-bye”

As your baby grows into a toddler, signs of a hearing loss may include:

  • Limited, poor, or no speech
  • Frequently inattentive
  • Difficulty learning
  • Often increases the volume on the TV
  • Fails to respond to conversation-level speech or answers inappropriately

Signs of possible hearing loss among children:

  • They ask you to repeat things
  • Need to search right and left to find the voice or sound
  • Start talking later than children the same age (based on reports by teachers, etc.)
  • Can’t say words and sentences the right way
  • Have difficulty hearing one voice when several people are talking
  • Miss quick or soft sounds
  • Perform poorly in reading, writing and/or mathematics
  • Difficulties with attention span and concentration at school
  • Don’t seem to notice that you have spoken to them
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